Wealth Beyond Measure

I went to bed last night

uneasy about my finances and fearful of the future


I awoke this morning

realizing I’d been given a new day


I compared its value to those

grieving a lost loved one

or facing a terminal illness


I realized that I had my sight, and could therefore enjoy

the beauty of my surroundings

and the faces of my loved ones


I listened to the sounds around me

and I was thankful for the gift of hearing


I reflected on the gifts I often take for granted

— the aroma of fresh-roasted coffee

— of roses in my garden

— the fresh scent of rain and watermelon


I paused to really savor

the taste of an orange

and my morning cup of tea


I realized I had the gift of touch

and the opportunity for a gamut of feelings


I’m fortunate to be smaller than some things

and larger than others


Whenever I’m feeling unloved

I can choose to give myself away

to reach out to another

and offer comfort on their journey


I went to bed this evening

realizing I have wealth beyond measure!

~ Maryanne Ross